Our community

Supporting our local community


Kent academy showjumping - Sponsorship

We at Twenty4Seven Waste Management are pleased and proud to be sponsors of the Kent Academy showjumping teams for 2019. Children of all ages in the Kent area, train hard all year round to be selected for team events consisting of 4 places per team per age group and compete against other counties spanning the UK. All the competitors have achieved so much to get to this stage and we are exceptionally proud of the Kent team for their accomplishments and coming away with many awards one being a silver medal.


Evergreen Care Bexley -Giving back to the community

Evergreen Care Bexley is a registered charity that launched its first service in January 2014. Helping and supporting older vulnerable adults in the local community by improving their circumstances through advocacy, friendship and practical support. So with help from customers, suppliers, family and friends Twenty4Seven was able to deliver many presents for Evergreen to pass onto their lonely and vulnerable clients.


British Showjumping

The British showjumping association is for children from 5 upwards, they run shows all across the country and Twenty4Seven Waste Management ltd have had the opportunity to sponsor and support this organisation on many occasions.

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BUSINESS BEACON - Evergreen Care Bexley

Evergreen Care Bexley is a local Charity that looks after older people across the Borough of Bexley.

Twenty4Seven Waste Management ltd is proud to be a supporter of Evergreen Care Bexley, standing with them in the work they do, and helping them enhance the lives of older people within our Borough.

Evergreen are always looking for companies to become business beacons and help them support even more elderly and vulnerable people. If you would like more information just click on the picture and it will take you to their website for more details.


Evergreen Care Bexley hold many different events throughout the year in local schools, churches and halls to raise awareness and much needed funds to care for our elderly, we at Twenty4Seven help where we can by sponsoring and attending these events. if you would like more information about Evergreen Care Bexley please visit their website or social media pages.
